Must see Monkey Amazon

2:54 PM

The Amazon covers nearly forty percent of South America, including the area under and around the Amazon River and its tributaries. More than 300 species of mammals live in the Amazon region, which includes a variety of species of monkeys that are dependent on the abundant wildlife for food and shelter. The Amazon is attacked relentlessly human resources every day.

"New World" monkeys use their long tails as a fifth member to intervene to wrap around tree branches. The "Old World monkeys" in the rainforests of Africa and Asia this setting convenient miss. The most common types of monkeys that can be seen in the Amazon tamarins, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and marmosets.

Tamarins live American jungles of Costa Rica through the southern regions of the Amazon and Brazil. You should pay attention to these monkeys to see, because most of the tamarins are small, about the size of a squirrel. Howler monkeys are the largest species of New World monkeys. Howlers has the distinction of being the strongest animal on earth in the world. Rainforests of southern Mexico through the Amazon and Brazil, on the Atlantic coast are home to more than a dozen species of spider monkey. Spider monkeys got their name because of their long arms, legs and tail. Search the treetops to the Emperor Tamarin, red howler and spider monkey while exploring the Manu National Park in Peru.

Capuchin monkeys can be found hanging from tree to tree in the rainforest of Central America to northern Argentina. Capuchins are small monkeys that are considered the most intelligent species. Tufted Capuchin is especially known for its use of long-term tool. You can witness these monkeys Crack open palm nuts on hard drives using stones as hammers to get the food they need. Squirrel monkeys are small and friendly mammals running around in the canopy of tropical rain forests of Central America through the southern Amazon. They are different from most other New World monkeys, they do not use the tail to climb. Costa Verde, Costa Rica gives you the opportunity to contact one of these playful monkeys, while lying on the beach. Or, you can communicate with these monkeys to travel the Amazon region of Iquitos, Peru.

Marmosets are a group of small monkeys that are recognized as the world's smallest monkey. Because of their extremely small size, it is almost impossible to see one of these monkeys in the wild, but can be seen and many of the other monkeys called foreground at the zoo, the park Legends, located in Lima, Peru.

Some other popular destinations in Central and South America you can visit this amazing encounter monkeys are Puerto Maldonado, Monteverde, Corcovado, Tortuguero, and Manaus.

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