How to become a pilot - Learning to Fly

12:30 PM

If you're in the aviation industry as a pilot's amazing. The swirling air shudder with the sounds of the helicopter is just amazing. If you have these qualities, then you can become a pilot. The process of becoming a pilot is quite different from that of a helicopter pilot and a commercial pilot. The following sections describe some steps on how to become a pilot.

Organize your finances

Becoming a helicopter pilot is expensive and costs about $ 50,000 or more, because to reach the level of a helicopter pilot training is required at the level of trade, and private students. Several aspiring pilots often need financial assistance in order to complete the lessons and the financial health resolved in advance to make. Join a Flight School

This requires a full investigation of the best options. Find colleges that appropriate courses to offer and contact them on the type of training provided, as used helicopters, schedules, requirements to participate in the course, and so determine. The school must all levels of flight training and be certified to teach through Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) stages.

Age Factor

You can start training in flight school from the age of 16 years and reaching the private pilot license at the age of 17.

It involves completing a full medical test that vision, health, and the efficiency of the hearing states. Student Pilot Certificate also required to go solo, and at least 16 years of age and able to understand, speak and read English, in addition to a medical certificate.

Get a Private Pilot License

If you have a student license, you need a license to operate a number of private schools that prescribe different requirements. You need oral and written evidence together to take a test flight requires a certain amount of flight hours, depending on the school.

How to make a commercial pilot to be

The main requirement needed to pass to this step is about 150 flight hours to collect the operating permit. If you have no business license, just not paid. How long does it take to be a pilot

It is difficult to give an approximation of the real-time framework, one needs a pilot.

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