The best time to travel to Machu Picchu

8:03 PM

Machu Picchu is a leading destination for first class travel. As a result, hundreds of people have had the opportunity to travel to Machu Picchu. It is a beautiful place on earth. The place was built by the Inca Empire more than 600 years ago.

This 15th-century pre-Columbian site is located 2430 meters above sea level. The site is located on a mountain in the Urubamba Valley, Peru. A popular tourist destination:

Machu Picchu was unknown to the world until it was brought to the attention of the international community in 1911. Since then, the site has become a popular tourist attraction. In 1981 the site was declared Historical Sanctuary in 1983 and was adopted by the UNESCO as World Heritage. In 2007 the site was one of the seven wonders of World.To voted today, archaeologists I do not know how and why the Incas built this site aesthetics which is located at the foothills of the Andes.

Many archaeologists believe was built for religious purposes. The place is considered as a difficult place to get in the face of the earth, and who escaped the Spanish conquerors took over most of South America.

Best time to visit Machu Picchu

The best season to visit is during the dry season which lasts from mid-April to mid-September. During this season of great masses of people visiting the site. The rainy season, between late September and early April for outdoor walks and challenging excursions. Given the fact that tickets sold out weeks in advance of the time especially during the high season we advise you to book in advance. You can also consider to overnight at the Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge, located at the top of the mountain. Other options include a stay in Aguas Calientes.

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