Torres del Paine
National Park is famous for its natural beauty. This
large park is located in the South American region of Patagonia
and is full of lush forests, clear blue lakes, spectacular mountains, icy
glaciers and varied flora and fauna. A
popular tourist attraction in itself, Torres Del Paine has become a hot spot
for walkers and lovers of adventure.
5. Guanaco
Small cousins of the llama, guanaco seem, well, small cousins of the llama. You see them wandering around Torres Del Paine in herds and is not believed that some 3,000 wild guanaco roaming the park. Gumps are easily startled, but always friendly to travelers.
4. South Andean Deer
Also known as the Huemul, buck this medium characteristics of the national coat of arms of Chile.
Small cousins of the llama, guanaco seem, well, small cousins of the llama. You see them wandering around Torres Del Paine in herds and is not believed that some 3,000 wild guanaco roaming the park. Gumps are easily startled, but always friendly to travelers.
4. South Andean Deer
Also known as the Huemul, buck this medium characteristics of the national coat of arms of Chile.
3. Culpeo
Sometimes called the Andean fox, wild dog looks just like the common red fox, but is slightly larger. This wild dog gray and red is the second wild dog in America (after the maned wolf) and is widespread in Torres del Paine. The culpeo normally hunt small animals like rabbits and other rodents, but it is known that a meal of young guanacos make too!
2. Puma
The biggest "little cat", the Puma resemble lions and leopards, but is actually more closely related to the common house cat. Also known as the puma or cougar, the cougar is on top of the food chain in Torres del Paine.
Sometimes called the Andean fox, wild dog looks just like the common red fox, but is slightly larger. This wild dog gray and red is the second wild dog in America (after the maned wolf) and is widespread in Torres del Paine. The culpeo normally hunt small animals like rabbits and other rodents, but it is known that a meal of young guanacos make too!
2. Puma
The biggest "little cat", the Puma resemble lions and leopards, but is actually more closely related to the common house cat. Also known as the puma or cougar, the cougar is on top of the food chain in Torres del Paine.
The Andean condor is a beautiful bird. Essentially a large vulture, but in fact, this description does not do justice - with a wingspan of 3.2 meters (10.5 feet), is one of the largest birds in the sky. Since most of the Andean Condor Vulture feeds mainly on carrion, but seeing this beautiful bird in flight is definitely one of the highlights of a visit to Torres del Paine.
With unique flora and fauna like this, it is not surprising that Torres del Paine is a popular destination for travelers. If you visit, be sure to keep your eyes open and see how many animals can discover here.