The benefits of an airport lounge

2:59 PM

It is not so long that airport lounges were considered the exclusive way of traveling, it was an experience reserved for the airport entrepreneurs who are looking for their call for this important international meeting in a quiet environment and celebrities avoiding the bustle of the main terminal.

In recent years, may what has changed so the tourists enjoy the everyday experience Executive Lounge. What is an airport lounge?

An airport lounge is a designated area that is separate from the rest of the departure and while every room is different, almost everyone in the UK offer a more comfortable environment the main terminal. Generally you comfortable chairs, maintenance personnel and airport customers easier access to flight information available, snacks, drinks and newspapers and many also provide some entertainment for Nintendo Wii spa facilities.

You can stay in an airport lounge for up to three hours and prices can start from as low as £ 13.50 per person in smaller airports.

Children are allowed?

While some airport lounges are arrangements for their children will not all be so good to check before making a booking. No 1 Gatwick Lounge in the South Terminal, for example, at this time, children of all ages (from 12 years and adults), while the Escape Lounge Terminal 1 Manchester welcomes children from 6 years.

Fairs often need a dress code smart enough and usually not possible baseball caps and hooded tops.

How long can I stay in a room?

How much will it cost me the cost?

Again, this varies as each room is managed by a management or brand, but in general, you can expect to pay £ 13.50 for an adult on a small airport, major airports such as Heathrow and Gatwick are closer to the mark of £ 20 per person.

Some entertainment in the living room?

This differs from a living room to relax, which does not offer at all, may be composed of an area with comfortable chairs and a small bar for the largest airport lounges, often with a wide range of modern equipment. The First Lounge at Leeds Bradford Airport now offers a games console and a child activity and Lounge Heathrow Nobody has a spa and a mini-cinema.

What about the free food and drink?

Usually salons offer snacks such as sandwiches, crisps and biscuits included in the initial cost, but some of the biggest shows offer a range of snacks that change depending on the time of day. Some also offer a full menu of hot dishes (surcharge).

Drinking tea, coffee and soft drinks are also usually included and many rooms have a bar, but alcoholic drinks must be paid. If you think an airport lounge is important is due to your personal opinion and circumstances. Interested in an airport lounge?

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